5-Step M&A Process

Understanding mergers and acquisitions is difficult because of its complexity. Nevertheless, you usually follow five steps from the beginning to the end of the M&A process. AISHA walks you through them.

Company Valuation

Our new team member, AIDEN, talks about company valuation in M&A. You can also read the article here.

M&A as Strategic Tool and Pipeline Management

Our new team member, AISHA, explains the first stage in our 5-step M&A process, where you define that M&A is the right tool to achieve your strategic goals and work on the M&A target pipeline development. Here is a link to the article.

Relationship-Building in M&A

There is one crucial success factor in mergers and acquisitions that you cannot find in textbooks or university courses, but it makes a big difference: Relationship-building between the acquirer and seller. Here are some relationship-building examples to help you with your next M&A project. This is the link to the article.